Phantom Rose Steam Region
The Square is the landing point for the Steam Region. You will find information about the region and Phantom Rose here. The regional teleporter is also here and will take you to the IDP to further explore the Grid. There is also a dock where you will find temp rez steam boats to sail around and explore.
The Square is dominated by the huge Tower with a formal garden at the base. Along one side you will find Victoria Station Jazz club, with a coffee shop above, shops (free items) and the Power House. On the other side is the beautiful formal Orleans Ballroom. There is also a realty shop and a gate leading to Serenity Beach.
To access the tower you will find two hot air balloon "elevators". One goes to the first level at the Opera House, the other goes to the second level, where you will find the Conservatory and the Royal Observatory. From here you will also be able to pick up a Hot Air balloon and take a tour of the region.